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Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a PC game that is developed by DMA design and published by ASC Games in North America and BMG Interactive in Europe. It is a high action, bloodfest, very similar to Postal. Although, there is a plot to this game (there is???). You are, how you say, a "courier" and "employee" of a mob, rising through the ranks of a crime syndicate. You have to earn the boss's respect and favor by doing jobs that are assigned to you. They can range from stealing cars, to blowing up a police building, to running narcotics, kidnapping, bank jobs, and much more.

There is a top down view, sort of like a helicopter's view, of the game. This story takes place in three large cities; Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas. Each city has its own style, personality, authority figures, jobs and missions.

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Revision date: Thursday, 15 of June 2006